Our Mission

A simple way to share ideas without violating privacy.

How it works

Pitch and Share

Pitch your idea and share it simply with a link.

Add Activities

Add activities to get things done quicker.


Enjoy quick feedback from your participants.


What We Solve

Losing information in group chat messages.

Lost in the stream

If you leave a group chat out of sight for just a minute, you'll lose important information in the massive stream of messages.

Hard to refind

It's nearly impossible to refind the time of an event your friends once posted in a group chat. It's lost in the massive stream of messages.

Keep everyone up to date

If you want to update information about an event, it's nearly impossible to be sure everyone is up to date. The update gets lost in the stream of messages.

How We Solve It

One place to add, update and refind.


Make a quick decision with a poll. Participants can also add more choices if allowed by you.

Ride Share

Organize a ride share with ease. Get a list of participants with their pick-up location.


Create a todo list with things to be done. Participants can assign tasks to themselves and add more if allowed by you.


Discuss everything else with a comment. It's grouped by topics and not a stream of messages.

And more activities are on their way. Stay tuned.


Give it a Try

it's free and easy to use.